It's time to vote, community.

14 Aug 2023, 09:36
It's time to vote, community! Recently, we launched the AI graphic contest, and we are extremely pleased with all the submissions. Some are absolutely stunning. As previously mentioned, the top three outstanding AI-generated graphics will each receive a coupon for a free OneKey Nexa branded hardware wallet. Additionally, the first-place winner will be awarded 10M NEX, the second-place winner will get 5M NEX, and the third-place winner will receive 2.5M NEX. The Nexa team and mods have cast their votes and selected a top 10 list of graphics. Now, it's your turn to vote! Please ensure you vote for the 3 graphics you like the most. Voting will end on Wednesday, 16th of August, at 10AM UTC. The top 3 will be awarded the prizes.