Reminder All, There are 2 more days of @HeyPaul matching any donation to the community marketing crowdfund.

05 May 2023, 13:30
Reminder All, There are 2 more days of @HeyPaul matching any donation to the community marketing crowdfund! Donations have been picking up lately, please help if you can! We got some great donations this past week from team members, whales, minnows, and even some mining pools (thanks Pool 137). The donation address is: nexa:nqtsq5g537fcf6z85pgwk4my5e5ddmypa2sm47mkzavt6zky Pauls Message below: $50,000 Crowdfunding Donation Matching Announcement Hi Nexicans The crowdfunding campaign is making progress, although a little slower than we had hoped. We are currently at roughly 1.7B NEX in contributions. I personally want to help pick up the pace a bit and provide a strong incentive to get the campaign completed this week. I am announcing that I will match up to a total of $50,000 worth of NEX donations for the next 7 days. At today’s price that would be a total of 3.3B extra NEX donated to the pot. This would bring us to a total of roughly 8.3B NEX and within touching distance of our goal of 10B NEX. This is your opportunity to double any donation you provide this week to the crowdfunding campaign and secure our marketing resources for the coming years. I am fully committed to the success of this project and I see this donation as an excellent investment into the Nexa project. I hope more of you take this position as well. :muscle: