We're Going To Do Better. I want to personally apologise to the Nexa community for this weekend.

22 May 2023, 16:19
We’re Going To Do Better I want to personally apologise to the Nexa community for this weekend. The level of professionalism we should display at all times has dropped and it has caused unnecessary discord within the community and has brought further attacks from outside the community. This is not helpful to the project and we know we need to do better. We are all extremely passionate about the project and emotionally and financially invested in it, and that can sometimes wear on us, just as it can you. But this is all the more reason for us to lead by example and show the strength that this community has. We are going to change up some things to help manage things a bit better and keep the community happier, healthier and growing. We also know that we need to do better at communicating all the work that is going on behind the scenes, especially on the technical side of things. I am going to be aiming to release an update every Monday on all the Nexa goings on to keep you all fully informed. First Monday review dropping any minute!